Beta Updates - June 2021

· 2 min read

Another month has passed since our Open Beta launch. We've spoken to hundreds of people and collected a lot of useful feedback that will directly impact the improvements to the service. Here are some of the things we've done last month, and what we have in the pipeline.

Refreshed UI

We've overhauled the mobile UI, and improved the custom rules interface to allow for more intuitive management of your rules. You can now mass edit rules, move them from folder to folder, rename folders and a whole lot more.

50 new services

We've expanded the Services selection to include over 220 blockable and unlockable services. If you have other suggestions, please list them on the Feedback page.

Additional Server Locations

We've additional additional server locations in Canada: Vancouver and Calgary.

Network Status Page

A page that shows a real-time map of the ContolD network and the service availability in each region. This is currently not public, will be made available this week.

Coming Soon

There is a lot of stuff that's in progress and will be released over the coming weeks:

  • Additional POPs - We're adding additional anycast locations to our network in Frankfurt, Stockholm, Los Angles and Zurich. This will drastically improve performance in those regions. Counterintuitively, this will also improve the performance in other regions, like India.
  • IPv6 support - This includes connectivity to our website, DNS servers and transparent proxying. Once deployed, this will help resolve many edge case issues on mobile networks. This will also allow for "IPv6 only" mode, where you will be able to use IPv6 exclusively, even with websites that don't support it.
  • Multi-profile support - work has been started, we expect this feature to be available in 6-8 weeks.
  • Enhanced Global Proxy - We're experimenting with a major improvement to Global Proxy feature, that will make it work with non-HTTP services like games and other non-SNI protocols. This will help avoid issues like "I turned on Global Proxy and now X isn't working".
  • Better Onboarding - The onboarding experience will be simplified further, along with detailed explanations of each section to help people understand unique features of ControlD.
  • New Payment Options - Google Pay and Apple Pay will be added in the coming weeks.