New site, new upcoming features

· 1 min read

It's been a while since the last blog update, but this is not because we were sitting around doing nothing for months, ohh no. We've been busy beavers (we're from Canada after all) and you may have noticed some new things last week.

New Website

Our website got a massive overhaul, which includes:

Coming Soon: Analytics

We've been working on the Stats/Analytics feature for quite a while, and it's a big one. We're putting finishing touches on it now, and expect to have it released in the coming weeks. Get ready to see some charts!

Other Features

We've made major changes to the API that supports the ControlD service, which brings a bunch of new features:

  • Expiring custom rules - create a rule that goes away at a specific time
  • Action folders - you will be able to assign a rule to a folder. All custom rules inside that folder will inherit this rule
  • Services section refactor - services will be scoped by category, and will feel a lot faster

Coming Soon: Refreshed Control Panel UI

While bringing the above features, the Control Panel will get a fresh coat of paint. This will improve the UI performance, change up some sections (like Services and Default Location), and a whole bunch more.

Stay tuned!